Distressed Asset Acquisition Supply

Distressed assets present a unique acquisition opportunity for savvy buyers. Purchasing distressed property or debt is inherently financially risky, so your advice on identifying and valuing the potential purchases is invaluable. Mitigate the risks with guidance on how to uncover the true condition of the assets, weigh various purchase options, and pursue debt into bankruptcy. Register today!
- Learn to spot the telltale signs of asset stress.
- Determine the best purchase options in specific situations and structure the deals properly.
- Get practical tools for purchasing corporate debt.
- Master due diligence skills that ll save you a world of trouble.
- Get guidance on bankruptcy creditor claim drafting considerations.
This program was designed in conjunction with NBI s esteemed 2023-2024 Content Advisory Committee Member Julie Globus.
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Title | OnDemand Video, Course Book (PDF Download) |