Connecticut Family Law From A to Z on Sale

When families run into difficulties, they are dealing with highly emotional situations that may cloud their judgment and prevent them from making rational long-term decisions. As a family law attorney, it s your job to help clients through family law issues with knowledge, insight, and compassion. Developing these skills and sensitivity can take years to perfect, but you can get the essential knowledge and techniques you need in just one day. Join us as we explore problem-solving strategies critical to family law success. Register today!
- Simplify the process and avoid missing steps with our sample forms and checklists.
- Achieve the best custody arrangement for children and parents.
- Get the best financial settlement for your client: understand how to value and divide.
- Advise clients of their options by understanding the different ways to dissolve a marriage.
- Protect the rights of non-traditional relationships: grandparents, unmarried couples, and other parties.
- Prepare clients for immediate and future financial ramifications: retirement funds, taxes, insurance, child support, and bankruptcy.
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Title | OnDemand Video, Course Book (PDF Download) |