Advanced Custody and Support Issues in Florida Supply

You know what the law says – but what factors really matter to the courts determination of parenting time and custody? How do you strategically proceed if you receive an unfavorable custody evaluation? Our seasoned faculty will walk you through the messier aspects of parenting to provide you with operative knowledge, tips and tools you can utilize in your practice. Get your most burning questions answered by a judge, find out how to negotiate and draft creative parenting plans for dynamic situations, and much more. Take your practice to the next level and smoothly traverse some of the stickiest child-related issues in family law – register today!
- Find out what factors judges are really looking at in parenting cases.
- Navigate the ins and outs of negotiating and drafting workable parenting plans.
- Understand child evaluators testing tools and find out how to successfully challenge unfavorable reports.
- Avoid seemingly innocuous parenting plan provisions that lead to conflicts down the road.
- Explore how recent developments regarding the rights of same sex and unmarried couples impact your practice.
- Gain strategies for proving alienation when you realize it s occurring.
- Walk through complex UCCJEA hypotheticals so you can navigate these issues on your own.
- Develop an effective case strategy for fighting against false abuse allegations.
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Title | OnDemand Video, Course Book (PDF Download) |