40 Years in the Trenches: Missteps and Myths in Triaging Medical Negligence Cases for Merit For Cheap

Pursuing the wrong medical malpractice cases will result in substantial time, effort, and money being spent on cases with little chance of success. Letting the right ones slip by will also cost you. Learn how to screen cases with surgical precision: join David Sumner, an attorney with 40 years of specialty experience defending and prosecuting these cases, for hard-won lessons about which cases have merit and which are likely destined for failure. He ll reveal the most common mistakes attorneys make, red flags they ignore, and effective inquiries to out clients who misrepresent details to make their case seem more compelling. Sharpen your case selection acuity to maximize your chances of success – register today!
- Discover 25 early oversights in case selection and presuit merit evaluations that will come back to haunt.
- Explore key missteps in the presuit workup of med mal cases, from issues in expert communication to overreliance on certain case details.
- Avoid the top pitfalls in evaluating labor and delivery cases.
- Unmask common client- and attorney-held myths and misimpressions in medical malpractice cases.
- Receive a checklist of 50 effective inquiries to help you filter out cases lacking in merit.
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