Advanced Trial Strategies for Plaintiff s Personal Injury Attorneys Sale

Whether you want to take your trial strategies to the next level or keep your hard-won skills sharply-honed, you ve come to the right place. This focused program will dive straight into the most challenging aspects of trial with practical tips and strategies to help you gain the edge over the defense. Go beyond the basics and pick up new strategies to make your next court appearance a success – register today!
- Formulate voir dire questions that get at the core of jurors biases and attitudes.
- Hear questions you aren t but should be asking the defense medical expert.
- Uncover tips and tactics for cross-examining the biomechanics expert witness.
- Get solutions to evidence issues that even trial veterans struggle to master.
- Adapt your arguments to appeal to the fears, hearts, and minds of modern-day jurors.
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Title | OnDemand Video, Course Book (PDF Download) |