Collection Law From Start to Finish – New Jersey Guide Discount

Winning a judgment against a bad debt doesn t necessarily mean cash in hand. Do you have the information you need to ensure payment of the debt – while keeping in compliance with strict guidelines governing consumer collections? Don t rush in unprepared. Maximize your chances of recovery with the practical solutions you ll gain at this definitive seminar. Enroll today!
- Uncover assets – including property – that can help you maximize monetary recovery.
- Stay in compliance: follow the guidelines governing actions permitted or restricted by the FDCPA.
- Learn effective (and legal!) ways to get the debtor s attention when moving forward with a lawsuit.
- Learn how to use wage garnishments and attachments to successfully collect judgments.
- Take the steps necessary to protect your client s rights when the debtor files for bankruptcy.
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Title | OnDemand Video, Course Book (PDF Download) |